Durham County
HomeDSS Mobile App
DSS Mobile App Instructions
You can now report information about your Food and Nutrition, Medicaid, or Work First benefits from anywhere by using our DSS Mobile App
DSS Mobile App Instructions
- Download “Durham Forms” from the Google Play or Apple Store to your smart phone or tablet (search Durham County Social Services) or go to the website http://dssmobile.dconc.gov.
- Enter your identifying information: Social Security Number OR County Case Number and Date of Birth, Click “Find Me”.
- Enter an email address for a receipt/confirmation of the documents that were submitted.
- Select the appropriate program from the dropdown box:
a. Applications
b. Changes
c. Recertification - Click “Browse for Images” to upload the picture from the device. Add text to the comment box if needed. You may add as many documents as you need.
- Click “Submit”.
- You will receive a confirmation of email with copies of the submitted document.